Conferencia Trans-RIZOMA con David Lynch: Meditación, Conciencia y Creatividad

El director y artista David Lynch ofreció una conferencia en el Auditorio 400 del Museo Reina Sofía de Madrid el pasado martes 15 de octubre a las 20 h., dentro de la programación Trans- que RIZOMA ha trazado desde la celebración del Festival el pasado mes de julio. El evento estuvo moderado por el productor y director Lluís Miñarro (Eddie Saeta) y estuvo principalmente centrado en las preguntas del público, lo que permitió a Lynch responder a cuestiones en torno a su cine, la persecución de una idea, la conciencia pura y la práctica de la Meditación Transcendental (MT).

El responsable de clásicos como Eraserhead, Blue Velvet o Mulholland Drive, y de discos como Crazy Clown Time y The Big Dream, se centró en su proceso creativo como artista multidisciplinar (además de director de cine y músico, Lynch es también un reconocido pintor, escultor, fotógrafo, diseñador de muebles…) y en la importancia de la técnica de la Meditación Transcendental en su vida artística y personal, una disciplina que lleva practicando desde hace más de tres décadas y le empujó a fundar en 2005 la Fundación David Lynch para la Educacion Basada en la Conciencia y la Paz Mundial. La MT nació en la década de los 50 en la India de la mano de Maharishi Mahesh Yogi y el propio Lynch ya reflejó esta pasión en su libro Atrapa el pez dorado, editado en 2006. Tras el acto, David Lynch firmó ejemplares de su libro a cientos de asistentes.


Director and artist David Lynch gave a talk inside Auditorio 400 at the Reina Sofia National Art Museum of Madrid on Tuesday, October 15 at 8pm. As part of the Trans– program outlined by RIZOMA since the celebration of the Festival this past July, the event was moderated by producer and director Luís Miñarro (Eddie Saeta) and was principally based on direct audience interaction. Questions from the public provided opportunities for Lynch to speak about issues from his films to the pursuit of ideas, pure consciousness and the practice of Transcendental Meditation (TM).

Responsible for film classics such as Eraserhead, Blue Velvet and Mulholland Drive as well albums such as Crazy Clown Time and The Big Dream, Lynch focused his talk on his creative process as a multidiscipinary artist and the significance of the Transcendental Meditation (TM) technique in his both his personal and artistic life. (For those unaware, true to the multidisciplinary spirit of RIZOMA, David Lynch’s creativity extends beyond his work in film and music, and among other illustrious achievements, Lynch is a renowned painter, sculptor, photographer and furniture designer.) TM was born in the 1950s in India in the hands of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, and Lynch has practiced the discipline for over 30 years. In 2005, founded the David Lynch Foundation for Consciousness-Based Education and World Peace. Lynch has personally written about this passion in his book Catching the Big Fish, published in 2006.

Responsible for film classics such as Eraserhead, Blue Velvet and Mulholland Drive as well albums such as Crazy Clown Time and The Big Dream, Lynch focused his talk on his creative process as a multidiscipinary artist and the significance of the Transcendental Meditation (TM) technique in his both his personal and artistic life. (For those unaware, true to the multidisciplinary spirit of RIZOMA, David Lynch’s creativity extends beyond his work in film and music, and among other illustrious achievements, Lynch is a renowned painter, sculptor, photographer and furniture designer.) TM was born in the 1950s in India in the hands of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, and Lynch has practiced the discipline for over 30 years. In 2005, founded the David Lynch Foundation for Consciousness-Based Education and World Peace. Lynch has personally written about this passion in his book Catching the Big Fish, published in 2006.


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