DJ Mira Aroyo (Ladytron)


Mira Aroyo, nació en Sofía, Bulgaria, en 1977. En la actualidad vive en Londres. Es miembro de la celebrada banda Ladytron, donde toca el teclado, canta y compone alguna de las canciones. Además de otras actividades relacionadas con el arte, pincha en clubs de todo el mundo. Su enorme cultura musical y técnica a los platos hace que las sesiones de Mira Aroyo sean muy eclécticas y divertidas.

A parte de sus intereses musicales, Mira está doctorada en génetica molecular por la Universidad de Oxford. Es coautora del artículo “Species specificity in the activation of Xer recombination at dif by FtsK”, publicado en Molecular Microbology (2003)
Mira Arroyo


Mira Aroyo was born in Sofía, Bulgaria in 1977. She currently lives in London. She is a member of the celebrated band Ladytron, in which she plays the keyboards, sings and composes some of the songs. In addition to other activities related to art, she Djs for clubs all over the world. Her enormous musical culture and technical savvy at the turntables makes each session with Mira Aroyo especially eclectic and fun.

Apart from her musical interests, Mira has her PhD in molecular genetics from the Oxford University. She is the co-author of the article “Species specificity in the activation of Xer recombination at dif by FtsK”, published in Molecular Microbology (2003)

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TÍTULO: DJ Mira Aroyo (Ladytron)


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